Join over 4 Million Global Survey Group members who have earned rewards such as: gift cards, cash transfers and prizes since 2002.
Take surveys and earn rewards!
Join over 4 Million Global Survey Group members who have earned rewards since 2002.
Tell us about yourself and answer some questions and we'll match you with surveys!
Share your opinions and help influence the development of products and services.
All you have to do is share the answer that best applies to you!
The more surveys you complete, the more rewards you'll earn!
We partner with paid survey sites that offer gift cards, cash transfers, prizes and charitable donations.
It's really easy. Simply join the Global Survey Group community, take online surveys and share your opinions to help influence the development of products and services.
The more surveys you complete, the more rewards you'll earn. We partner with paid survey sites that offer gift cards, cash transfers, prizes and charitable donations.
When you join the Global Survey Group, you gain access to their dashboard. When you complete a deal, it will let you know how much cash you will make. The normal survey requires around 10 minutes to complete. Taking surveys can earn you anything from $10 to $50...
Yusra3 - March 10th
I found this website online, and it definitely got my attention. I am always looking for new survey websites, and this one caught my eye because it seems to be a 'get paid' type of survey site.
Nathaniell - January 17th
There's A Bright Side. At least they tell you about what the payouts are. The FAQ page states what the participants can expect to earn... The good thing is that you get to earn this extra income from the comfort of your own home.
Forrest Baumhover - July 7th
Even though the above survey platform may not favor me because of my region, I still want to commend you as it can be of benefits to interested members to earn extra or even full time income as the case may be. Thanks for sharing.
Immilash - December 4th
Final Thoughts. In the end, I would recommend Global Survey Group.
Forrest Baumhover - July 22nd
Global Survey Group is a rewards community where you can share your opinions and make a difference.
We conduct market research for many large brands and products while rewarding our members for answering surveys with gift cards, cash transfers, prizes and charitable donations.
Copyright © 2025 Global Survey Group is owned and operated by Trancos, Inc. All rights reserved.